Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pick'a the Day:

All I do is. Bam. Bam. Bam.

 For this particular piece, we were smitten with the artistic symbolism, and personally; I have never seen a sketch quite like this. Women's bodies, and the sexuality they exude, have been symbolic of many things throughout time. In the time of Courtesans, women who chose this occupation, in places such as Italy, were often mobbed and murdered during the Church's inquisition in the 16th century. Their sexuality was referred to as "witch-craft" and they were tried before God for their "wickedness."

And we all know what powerful, successful women often get called...those who canoodle too much for social acceptableness receive their own special names as well...

I found it fascinating how the artist incorporated a women's legs and a pistol, considering what the two often symbolize. I guess it's the ultimate weapon...

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